To enroll in the course, please follow these steps:
Pay only the discounted price of 2900 LKR to enroll. Deposit the discounted amount to our bank account:
Bank Account Info:
Bank: Sambath Bank, Nittambuwa Branch
Account Number: 1071 1400 5524
Account Name: E Money Lanka
Make a payment via Dialog eZ Cash to 077 66 205 23.
After making the payment, please send a screenshot or a copy of your payment receipt along with your name, address, email address, and mobile number to this WhatsApp number: 077 66 205 23.
Once we receive your payment details, we will immediately provide you with your course access details, including your username and password.
You can then enjoy lifetime access to the course content, including all the latest updates, at your convenience.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 0776620523